ANPG launches tender for oil concessions

The National Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANPG) launched, this Friday, the process for the award of oil exploration concessions dubbed “Tender 2023”, for the exploration of oil in the onshore basins of the Lower Congo, in Zaire Province, and of…

1º de Agosto raise African handball trophy

The 1º de Agosto senior women’s handball team won this Saturday, in Brazaville, the African champion clubs cup title, after victory over Petro de Luanda, also from Angola, by 28-26.In the challenge, which has become routine in recent years between the…

Kunene-Omatando Substations inaugurated

Minister of Mines and Energy, Tom Alweendo, officially inaugurated the 190km overhead transmission line for Kunene-Omatando substation on Friday, which will serve as a connection point between Namibia and Angola.Alweendo made the remarks during the ina…

Rosh Pinah hosts RoshSkor Career Fair

About 500 learners from a school in Rosh Pinah attended the RoshSkor Township 2023 career fair on Friday.Among the attendees were learners from Tsau||Khaeb Secondary School, Hoeksteen Primary School, and Rosh Pinah Academy.Indira Shilongo, the Roshskor…