Onjiko Beats Maseno High School

The inaugural Cabinet Secretary (CS) Eliud Owallo’s basketball tournament saw Onjiko High school narrowly edge out Maseno by 39 – 37 Saturday.

The clash, watched by the CS himself who is the sponsor through Eliud Owallo Foundation, culminatinated in …

Meet Nyeri’s Dancing Road Safety Ambassador

About 500 metres before you enter Nyeri town, at the Temple Road junction, is where you find Boaz Njogu, a dancing sensation who has captured the attention of motorists on the busy Karatina-Nyeri highway.

For anyone keen to observe, you will notice t…

Governor Warns Contractors On Delayed Works

Contractors who fail to complete county government project on time will have their contracts terminated, Makueni County Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr has warned.

Consequently, Mutula put on notice all contractors doing county projects saying his govern…

PWDs Decry Low Representation In Government Jobs

Westlands MP Tim Wanyonyi has decried the failure of the government to employ enough persons with disabilities (PWDs) in the Public Service despite the legal requirement provided by the law.

During celebrations to mark Wheelchair Day at Jomo Kenyatta…

Economy Gradually Taking Off, Wetang’ula Says

The Speaker of the National Assembly Moses Wetang’ula has appealed to the electorate to be patient with the government as it strives to fix the economy.

Wetang’ula admitted that the country is experiencing hard economic times but assured the masses t…

KWS Conducts Nanyuki River Clean-Up In Laikipia

More than 200 volunteers participated in cleaning River Nanyuki in Laikipia County as part of activities to mark World Wildlife Day.

The volunteers who included university students and community-based environment conservation groups joined Kenya Wild…

Kisii Film Makers Receive Training On Film Production

At least 200 filmmakers in Kisii have received film and video production training courtesy of the Kenya Film Commission in partnership with the Office of the Woman Representative in Kisii County.

The five-day capacity-building workshop was held at th…

Onjiko Beats Maseno High School

The inaugural Cabinet Secretary (CS) Eliud Owallo’s basketball tournament saw Onjiko High school narrowly edge out Maseno by 39 – 37 Saturday.

The clash, watched by the CS himself who is the sponsor through Eliud Owallo Foundation, culminatinated in …