MoHSS working towards PPP in renovation of nurses’ homes

WINDHOEK: Executive Director in the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS), Ben Nangombe, on Monday said that the government is working towards a Private Public Partnership (PPP) in the renovation process of the Windhoek Central nurses’ home.

Nangombe, in a recent interview with Nampa, said the commencement of the possible collaboration with the private sector for the renovations has begun, and could however not further disclose the possible private partner’s name.

He said a bid notice prior to the collaboration with the private sector will be advertised only when the government through legal advice is advised on the way forward.

Plans to renovate the nurses’ homes situated in the Windhoek Central hospital premises in the capital arose after recent complaints about their dilapidated state.

The MoHSS in September had announced that it has cleared two out of four blocks of the nurses’ homes at the central hospital in preparation for building renovations.

This follows the ministry’s previous stateme
nt that it would carry out general repairs on the nurses’ home and doctor’s quarters, as these buildings have been reported to be in a dilapidated state in recent years.

Nampa reported earlier that some of the cleanliness issues at the health facility are exacerbated by the nurses’ home residents, who allegedly litter outside their windows and balconies, as they are not monitored, leading to their ignorance about the environment.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency