Mbumba appoints new BDCC commissioners

WINDHOEK: President Nangolo Mbumba has appointed four members to form part of the fifth Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commission (BDCC).

BDCC is aimed at delimiting and demarcating the boundaries of Namibia and to recommend the determination of the boundaries and names of regions, constituencies and local authorities.

In his remarks, while announcing the appointments here on Wednesday, Mbumba said the commission is tasked to conduct an assessment of the current boundaries of regions and constituencies in Namibia to recommend whether any changes to the existing boundaries are required, needed and beneficial.

Mbumba emphasised that the commissioners have three months ahead of elections to deliver valuable insights that will greatly assist the work of the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) to enable registration of eligible voters in the correct regions and constituencies.

He noted that government has taken note that the country has now passed the three million population mark therefore, the commission’s work will provide valuable insights into the changing demographics which comprise the majority of youth.

‘To this end, the government will, based on the work of the Commission, formulate responsive policy interventions. I charge you, to without delay commence with the task at hand, as you have a very limited time frame of only three months, in which you are expected to deliver results,’ he said.

In his acceptance speech, Chairperson Petrus Unengu assured that the commissioners would carry out their duties without reservations.

‘The task for us is not an easy one to perform. The challenges and expectations are huge but with hard work, and dedication I believe that as professionals we will rise to the occasion and carry over the duties and functions in terms of reference diligently,’ he said.

Other commissioners include Penias Topnaar; Gerhardt Gurirab and Prisca Anyolo.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency