Footsteps for Africa hands over renovated library to Groot Aub school

Over 400 learners from Groot Aub Secondary School will benefit from the newly renovated library and various items donated by the Footsteps for Africa organisation on Thursday.

The Footsteps for Africa organisation donated ICT tools such as a projector, 21 computers and keyboards, books, wireless internet, and a three day training for the school staff on library techniques.

In addition to the ICT tools donated by Footsteps for Africa, 204 girls also received a kit of re-usable sanitary pads.

Speaking at the inauguration of the library, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Footsteps for Africa, Austin Cameron from the United States of America, stated that the organisation has been around for over a decade now.

“The donations of the library and ICT tools come from passion and love to fulfil the existence of the library donated to the Groot Aub learners. This initiative is not a result of policy, it is rather a result of passion. Footsteps for Africa exists because our entire organisation wants to make a real difference in the lives of vulnerable children in Namibia,” Cameron said.

The school’s principal, Isak de Groot in his remarks said the school evolved from a junior secondary to a fully-fledged secondary school in 2010, adding that it was not easy for the school to get donations.

“The school is thus blessed to receive donations from the Footsteps for Africa organisation,” he noted.

During the same ceremony, Footsteps for Africa Country Director Jordaania Andima stated that the organisation’s main objective is to identify locations in which there is a presence of vulnerable children and ensure that they are of help to the community.

Michelle McLean Primary School and the Foundation Centre orphanage were two of the beneficiaries of Footsteps for Africa, and in the future, the organisation aims to help as many vulnerable children as possible with the help of the organisation’s sponsors which include FitCity, Glowdom and Salzman.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency