Giambattista Valli dazzles Barcelona during the Bridal Night

BARCELONA, Spain, April 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The most exclusive fashion show of the Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week charmed over 450 guests last night who enjoyed a unique show in the historic building of the Llotja de Mar. The Maison Giambattista Valli exclusively celebrated the runway debut of its bridal collection during the Bridal […]

Vaccinologists Keith Klugman and Shabir Madhi Awarded Sabin’s Prestigious Gold Medal; Infectious Diseases Epidemiologist Nicole Basta Receives Rising Star Award

2024 Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal and 2024 Sabin Rising Star Award Presentations Dr. Keith Klugman (left) and Dr. Shabir Madhi (right) were presented the 2024 Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal and Prof. Nicole Basta (center) received the 2024 Sabin Rising Star Award from the Sabin Vaccine Institute at the National Academy of Sciences in […]

Révélation du thème de la 8e édition de la conférence Future Investment Initiative : « Horizons infinis : investir aujourd’hui pour façonner l’avenir »

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 19 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Future Investment Initiative (FII) Institute se réjouit de dévoiler le thème de la 8e édition de sa conférence FII, prévue du 29 au 31 octobre 2024 au prestigieux Centre de conférences international du Roi Abdulaziz, dans la capitale saoudienne. Organisée auteur du thème prometteur : « Horizons infinis : investir […]

Apresentando o tema do 8º Fórum do Future Investment Initiative: “Horizontes Infinitos: Investindo Hoje, Moldando o Amanhã”

RIYADH, Arábia Saudita, April 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Future Investment Initiative (FII) Institute tem o prazer de anunciar o tema para a próxima 8ª edição da conferência FII, marcada para 29 a 31 de outubro de 2024, no renomado Centro Internacional de Conferências Rei Abdulaziz (KAICC) em Riyadh, Arábia Saudita. Com o instigante […]

Woman arrested for terminating pregnancy at Omawe

The Namibian Police Force (NamPol) in Oshikoto Region have opened a case of abortion against a 25-year-old Namibian woman who allegedly terminating her pregnancy after her boyfriend refused to take responsible for her pregnancy.

According to the reg…

Minor allegedly burnt at Omusati

A 35-year-old woman has been arrested for allegedly burning a five-year-old boy at Omaku village in the Tsandi constituency of the Omusati Region.

The Namibian Police Force (NamPol) Omusati’s Regional Crime Investigation Coordinator, Moses Simaho, c…

Infant’s body discovered half-buried at Omusati

The body of a new-born baby was allegedly discovered half buried at Omunyele village in the Etayi constituency in the Omusati Region on Thursday.

The Namibian Police Force’s Omusati Crime Investigations Coordinator, Deputy Commissioner Moses Simaho,…

Opuwo, Rundu strengthen commitment towards zero waste

Following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on waste management by Rundu and Opuwo last month, the two town councils reiterated their commitment to waste management with the launch of a ‘zero-waste’ campaign at Opuwo on Friday.

The …