Aucun fruit ne devrait être défendu : Dole Sunshine Company exhorte Sa Sainteté à redorer le blason de la pomme

Cette lettre amusante vise à transformer la pomme du péché originel en collation originelle et à attirer l’attention sur l’importance d’une bonne alimentation pour tous SINGAPOUR, 1er juillet 2022 /PRNewswire/ — La calamité du péché originel (et le rôle qu’y a joué la pomme) est indéniablement le désastre de relations publiques le plus catastrophique auquel les fruits […]

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Global Weather Hazards Summary July 01 – 07, 2022

Abnormal dryness is present in parts of Mali, Nigeria, and South SudanA poor March to May rainy season cased severe drought across much of East Africa, including north-central and eastern Ethiopia, Kenya-Ethiopia border areas, much of Somalia, and sout…

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Groups Call For Peace Ahead of August Polls in Kenya

NAIROBI — As Kenya heads toward a highly contested presidential election, many are worried about a repeat of deadly violence seen in past votes. The Kenyan group Mothers of Victims and Survivors is calling for all sides to maintain peace during this ye…

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