Quashing Mozambique’s mosquito net-cholera conspiracy

Cholera is caused by dirty water, not mosquito nets, a senior official in Mozambique has said on a visit to a region where such misinformation has led to deadly violence in recent weeks.Several health centres have been the target of attacks in Zambezia…

Over 7,000 refugees assisted in Angola

More than 7,000 refugees are being assisted by World Vision in Angola in partnership with the Angolan government and the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), a statement from World Vision has said, ANGOP has learnt.The main area of intervention is t…

CPLP experts address energy transition in Luanda

Energy experts with the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP) will discuss on June 27- 28, the role of energy transition and its contribution to the development of member states in the region.The participants will also discuss the more sop…

Swimming Federation to inaugurate new starting blocks

New starting blocks installed at Alvalade swimming pool in Luanda will be unveiled on Saturday, Angolan Swimming Federation has announced.The inauguration will take place on the eve of the start of the National Category Swimming Championships.This is …

Angola Airline orders nine aircraft from Airbus

Angolan Airlines ,TAAG, Wednesday announced the strengthening of its fleet, with the formalisation of an order for nine aircraft of the Airbus 220-300 type, with phased delivery scheduled for April, 2024.In its note reached ANGOP, TAAG states that the…

Angola and Congo discuss fuel supply mechanism

Angola and Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) experts in the exploration of hydrocarbons analysed Tuesday in Luanda the situation of the Zone of Common Interest (ZIC).The parties also discussed the joint mechanism for the supply of petroleum produc…

Angola takes over SADC Media Award chair

Angola is taking over the one-year rotating chairperson of the Regional Adjudication Committee (RAC) of the SADC Media Award.This will be during the virtual 28th Meeting of the body, taking place since Tuesday, under the guidance of the Democratic Repu…

Angola attends Conference on Counter-Terrorism

Angola is participating in Third United Nations High-Level Conference of Heads of Counter-Terrorism Agencies of Member States running until Friday 23 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.Opened on Monday, the event is an opportunity for the i…