Kénédougou/Kéné-vacances culture 2024: The competitions have started

The Association vision culture and development (AVCD), launched on Saturday August 17, 2024 in Orodara, the 18th edition of the cultural festival called Kéné-vacances culture around the theme: ‘Role and responsibility of young people in promotion of peace and social cohesion’.

Kéné-vacances culture, a cultural event which began in 2007 in Orodara, is organized by the Association Vision Culture et Développement (AVCD).

Its aim is to keep young schoolchildren and students healthy during the cultural holidays through ballets, playbacks and parades in traditional outfits.

The 18th edition, under the theme ‘Responsibility of young people in promoting peace and social cohesion’, began on Saturday August 17, 2024 in Orodara.

It recorded the participation of 06 artistic groups from different sectors of the city of Orodara.

The first elimination round was timid in mobilization.

The artistic director of Kéné-vacances culture, Yacouba Coulibaly known as ‘Vieux Père Choc’, indicated that the organizing committee w
ill work hard to ensure that the next rounds are better, to the great delight of the spectators.

The grand finale is scheduled for September 21, 2024.

Source: Burkina Information Agency